Hello Again,
Told you I was in the card making mood! I am just making a ton of bday cards or thankyou cards because I know once Aiden gets here...my scrapbooking and cardmaking time may be limited for awhile lol..but so worth it!!!!
Speaking of Aiden....today was my dr apt except my dr wasnt there so I just had it with a nurse who couldnt do internals..so I curious to see if I am dialated anymore!! Here is what we found out today.....
- Aiden is already 7lbs!!!!! This is great!!!
- I am measuring a bit larger on the ultrasound AND fundal height
- I still have plenty of fluid around baby
- I actually had a few contractions (SMALL ONES) show up on the NST...its always just a ___ line...well not today!!!!_---__
- The ultrasound tech mentioned his hair again and I must tell you I am very scared every time she says this..I am thinking the harriest, darkest hair ever lol...it amazed me she actually was laughing and watching it "blow" in the fluid...Im scared haha!!!!
- Next apt I will see my Dr again...maybe I can convince her to induce me??! Ha, good luck!!!
1 comment:
Your cupcake card is too cute!
That's funny about your baby's hair. :) When my daughter was born she the first thing they said to me was "It's a redhead!". Hubby and I were blown away since neither of us has read hair! Still can't really figure it out. LOL.
I have a little boy due in December.
Good luck with your little boy!
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