I have been in a card making mood for the past few days..and I plan to make more before the hubby comes home! I know I am going to miss all this "free" time I am having waiting for Aiden to make his grand entrance..so for now I am taking advantage of it!
This card was alot of fun to make and I am totally loving all the cute charms I got recently from Michaels........59cents!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe that?!?! The cashier must have thought I was nuts buying soo many, but I dont care..they are adorable. of course there meant for a charm bracelet but they work wonders on a card dont ya think?!
Tomorrow is my weekly dr apt and ultrasound. The tech weighs him every other week so this week we will find out if hes gained any more weight (he was around 5lbs last time). I am getting very anxious..part of me wants to be induced because I LOVE control and knowing when and the next part of me wants it to be natural..so I know hes ready.....hes not even here and already I am worrying about him!!!
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