This is the layout that I am turning in for a contest. It had to be something special to you..and this pregnancy and whole experience and different range of emotions sure does qualify right now lol. There is hidden journaling that reads:
"This is a big step for us...for our marriage. We are about to add on to our family in 4 weeks or less. I know we are both so excited, but also scared and nervous!! We just need to remember to have faith in God and faith in ourselves...all we need is love...I want to cherish every minute we have with each other...just the two of us, until Aiden arrives. We are so ready for this adventure and wonderful gift of life. We are truly blessed. Just remember..all we need is love."
Other than that..I am just enjoying some time to myself while Brent is at work for a few hours and then I will probably drag him to JoAnns and see if something is on clearance and maybe go to Baby R Us. LOL. I am getting very anxious for Aiden to arrive..Yesterday I did alot of walking, and I mean ALOT so today I am trying to rest, catch up on some tv, and scrapbook before he comes home. I will post more later today :)
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