May 26, 2007

Memorial Weekend

I never have things to show anymore....thats about to change though because I have been catching up on ALL my scrapbooking...I am very impressed and I have filled up almost TWO whole albums...Im very excited...I am itching to make a card and show you all trust me!!!!

I havent had a blog candy in awhile either...and I do not work until the 31st (YES!!), which equals me having LOTS of come on here and post hint hint lol........keep watching!!!

A while ago I posted some ATCs that I turn into a lss and guess of mine won FIRST place and I got a 20 gc and I had gotten second place before so another I got 30 free to spend there...I had a blast!!!!

I hope everyone has a great weekend, like I said I need to catch up on ALOT of cards so I will post something soon!!!

1 comment:

StampingontheLakefront said...


I am trying to reach out to other people's blogs that I read on a regular basis - I saw a set of cards (or 1 card) someone made using Persian Floral paper by Chatterbox and I want to CASE it for a gift I need to made today :)

It would have been in the last 2 weeks or less - do you remember??

Thanks you in advance!



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