November 20, 2007

I had one of the best weekends ever, except for one thing..........I am still sick and was sick for my scrapbooking retreat. Blah..oh well!

Let me tell you about my trip (skip this part if you get bored easily ;)

I arrived at the retreat on Friday around 5:30pm with Sherri (lady in green sweater next to me, Im in the black shirt) and we were the first to arrive, got checked in and carried our 28323 bags of scrap things lol. I looked like suck a scrapbooking diva with my bags weighing 40 pounds each haha jk, anways, then Mandy (blue colts shirt) and Brittani showed up(center girl in grey sweater) and we started scrapping away........

However on Sat that is when everyone else in the pic came and scrapped with us just for the day and Erica came too (not pictured)...but my stomach was hurting ALL weekend, almost like I had done 30,000 crunches...not I actually left around midnight/1am on Sat night/Sun morning to go home.........didnt miss anything bc we had to be gone the next morning anways.

It was such a fun relaxing to hang out with great ladies, go to a scrapbook store and was pampered the minute we got there....homecooked meals and was so good!!

We are going back on the 12th of Jan...but this time only for a day......cant wait!!! And yes...I got quite a bit done there too :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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